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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ramona and her Mother

   One of the books written by one of my favorite authors, Beverly Cleary. This time, I bought a copy!

   Here's the picture of MY copy:

   This book is a part of the Ramona Quimby series. Ramona is often called by her older sister as a pest but actually she is just so full of imagination just like other kids in her age and often this leads her to very embarrassing situations. 

   This book is sooo full of really funny situations. My favorite part was when Ramona squeezed out a whole tube of toothpaste into the sink and when her mother asked her why she did it, she said, "The devil made me do it..." Hahaha!!! There's so much more! Throughout the book, Ramona felt like her mother didn't love her. So in the last chapter, she decided to run away. She was so shocked because her mother didn't try to stop her at first. When she started to pack, her mother volunteered to help her but when she tried to lift her suitcase, she found out that her mother had actually made the suitcase too heavy for her so that she couldn't run away. When she asked her mother why, her mother answered, "I couldn't get along without my Ramona." And so, Ramona decided to stay.

   Ooops! I just spoiled the ending....hehe...I really think the author, Beverly Cleary, is a very happy-go-lucky person because her books are really super full of such FUNNY situations. You can see it on her face:

   I definitely reccomend you to read this book!

For further info you can visit this link:

High Druid of Shannara: Straken

     So, this is like my first ever post. I'm a very voracious reader and just a few weeks ago, I finished Terry Brooks's Straken. I didn't actually buy a copy of it. Ehehe.....I downloaded a PDF File (is that illegal?).

     Here's a picture of it: (the book)

    I'm not totally an illegal person because I bought the predecessor of this book, "Tanequil", and I enjoyed it a lot! I really tried to buy this one but I just couldn't seem to find it so know...
   Straken is the third book in the High Druid of Shannara trilogy by Terry Brooks. It's all about a young boy named Pen who tries to rescue his aunt, Grianne Ohmsford, rightful High Druid of Shannara. Of course he also has friends who help him and in order to save her, he must find the fabled "Tanequil." All the books in the trilogy are all about his quest to save Grianne Ohmsford. That is, they're all connected with each other and Straken is the final book.

   This book is absolutely AMAZING! There's lots of action and thrilling parts. Plus, Terry Brooks has a way of making you get soooo excited but he doesn't let you know what's going to happen till the kind of like last parts. I never got bored with this book. Usually, well sometimes, there are parts in a book which you just like to skip away (no offense but i kind of felt that in the Harry Potter books...don't get mad I'm a big fan!) I mean like the tension really builds up 'till the last part. I'm not so good with words and expressing my yeah...I totally recommend you to read this. Hopefully I'll improve and make my reviews a lot more informative....hehe

“Strength comes to us through belief and determination.. The trick is
in recognizing how to use it.”  -Straken, p.228

For further info you can visit this link:

P.S. I might edit this again if anything gets into my head....